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Setup Information

Important Information you need when configuring your computer
for CMH Internet Access.
To search for a local access number see our coverage page.
Yes. We now offer nationwide dial-up services with over 6500 access numbers.
The number listed doesnt look local to me, what should I do?
The listed numbers do not belong to SBC, so they may look different than the numbers you are used to seeing, but if your town is listed next to a number then it is local
What do I need to connect to CMH Internet Services?
You will need a Windows based computer with a modem that works. Our internet CD has a self installing program which will set things up, with minimal effort from you.
I'm using an operating system other than MS Windows, can I still get your service?
Yes, our service will work with other operating systems. However at this time we are only able to offer technical support for Windows users.
I installed the internet cd software. How do I change my password?
A program is included with the cd that will allow you to change your password. Click the Start button, then go to "Programs", then "CMH Internet Starter Package", then click the blue "Change Password" icon.
To search for a local access number see our coverage page.
Setup FAQ
Is CMH Internet available in my area?Yes. We now offer nationwide dial-up services with over 6500 access numbers.
The number listed doesnt look local to me, what should I do?
The listed numbers do not belong to SBC, so they may look different than the numbers you are used to seeing, but if your town is listed next to a number then it is local
What do I need to connect to CMH Internet Services?
You will need a Windows based computer with a modem that works. Our internet CD has a self installing program which will set things up, with minimal effort from you.
I'm using an operating system other than MS Windows, can I still get your service?
Yes, our service will work with other operating systems. However at this time we are only able to offer technical support for Windows users.
I installed the internet cd software. How do I change my password?
A program is included with the cd that will allow you to change your password. Click the Start button, then go to "Programs", then "CMH Internet Starter Package", then click the blue "Change Password" icon.
Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
Incoming mail server (POP3)
pop.cmh.netNNTP (News) Server
news.cmh.netDomain Suffix
cmh.netUnix Shell Server